This animal which was loved by the people of Athens, devote to Athena-Minerve, appears several timesa in the Athenian numismatics. The owl which is a feature of the Vergin warrior, means knowledge and supervision. Francesco Colonna in his Hypnerotomachia Poliphili associates the owl to an ancient lamp, symbol of life, giving the statue the meaning of “vitae lethifer nuntius”: the owl brings to life the sleep of death. The owl is also a feature of night and in some cases it is one of her children, sleep.
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Traduzione a cura della classe 3^D del Liceo “Laura Bassi” di Bologna (Marta Massari, Alice Scala, Marianna Tortora), nell'ambito del progetto "Alternanza Scuola - lavoro", AS. 2016-2017.