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This monogram is made of starting from the first two letters of Christ's Greek name: X (chi) and P (Rho). The monogram has been used and made official since Emperior Costantino's times. In some cases it is represented within a simple or triple circle. The chrism with the cross is certainly one of the most used symbols in the liturgical, political, administrative and funerary sphere. It is often placed between the alpha and the omega to point out that Christ is the beggining and the end of everything. Throughout 1800 chrism has been mechanically reproduced on almost funerary insertions.

For an introduction to funerary symbols click here

Traduzione di Anastasia Bello, Freddy Arko, Jennifer Ortisi; classe 3^D del Liceo “Laura Bassi” di Bologna, nell'ambito del progetto "Alternanza Scuola - lavoro", AS. 2016-2017.